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{"id":7371,"date":"2021-11-26T19:45:45","date_gmt":"2021-11-26T18:45:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/\/?p=7371"},"modified":"2021-11-26T19:45:49","modified_gmt":"2021-11-26T18:45:49","slug":"srbsky-prezident","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/\/srbsky-prezident\/","title":{"rendered":"Srbsk\u00fd prezident v\u00edta \u201eneuverite\u013en\u00fa\u201c dohodu o plyne s Ruskom"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Srbsk\u00fd prezident Aleksandar Vu\u010di\u010d<\/a> povedal, \u017ee Rusko s\u00fahlasilo s fix\u00e1ciou s\u00fa\u010dasnej ceny plynu Srbska na \u010fal\u0161\u00edch \u0161es\u0165 mesiacov, \u010do nazval gestom priate\u013estva vo\u010di jeho krajine.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Srbsko bude aj na\u010falej plati\u0165 270 dol\u00e1rov za 1000 metrov kubick\u00fdch zemn\u00e9ho plynu <\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Srbsko bude aj na\u010falej plati\u0165 270 dol\u00e1rov za 1000 metrov kubick\u00fdch zemn\u00e9ho plynu po\u010das nasleduj\u00facich \u0161iestich mesiacov, uviedol prezident Aleksandar Vu\u010di\u010d po stretnut\u00ed s rusk\u00fdm prezidentom Vladimirom Putinom.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Obaja prezidenti sa stretli v ruskom So\u010di, kde bolo obnovenie dohody o dod\u00e1vkach zemn\u00e9ho plynu jednou z ich t\u00e9m. Vu\u010di\u010d povedal: “Putin prejavil priate\u013estvo vo\u010di Srbsku.”<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u201ePodarilo sa n\u00e1m z\u00edska\u0165\u2026 na \u010fal\u0161\u00edch \u0161es\u0165 mesiacov cenu plynu neuverite\u013en\u00fdch 270 dol\u00e1rov, tak\u017ee na\u0161a cena sa nezmen\u00ed; za t\u00fdch \u0161es\u0165 mesiacov sme tie\u017e zaznamenali zv\u00fd\u0161enie mno\u017estva plynu a z\u00edskali sme flexibilitu [v mesa\u010dn\u00fdch dod\u00e1vkach], o \u010do som \u0161peci\u00e1lne prosil prezidenta Putina,\u201c povedal Vu\u010di\u010d m\u00e9di\u00e1m po stretnut\u00ed, informovala srbsk\u00e1 rozhlasov\u00e1 telev\u00edzia.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Srbsko dov\u00e1\u017ea takmer v\u0161etok plyn od rusk\u00e9ho energetick\u00e9ho gigantu Gazprom, pri\u010dom dom\u00e1ca produkcia pokr\u00fdva len zhruba 15 percent jeho potrieb.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Pod\u013ea agent\u00fary Bloomberg v okt\u00f3bri Srbsko platilo 270 dol\u00e1rov za 1 000 metrov kubick\u00fdch, \u010do je ove\u013ea menej ako referen\u010dn\u00e1 sadzba, ktor\u00e1 ned\u00e1vno prudko vzr\u00e1stla.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

S\u00fa\u010dasn\u00e1 zmluva Srbska s Gazpromom, podp\u00edsan\u00e1 v marci 2013, vypr\u0161\u00ed 31. decembra.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Vz\u0165ahy medzi Moskvou a Belehradom s\u00fa v s\u00fa\u010dasnosti na najvy\u0161\u0161ej \u00farovni <\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Srbsk\u00fd prezident povedal, \u017ee on a Putin \u201ehovorili aj o dlhodobej zmluve a ponechali ur\u010dit\u00e9 prvky, ale k\u00fdm to nepodp\u00ed\u0161em, nem\u00e1m pr\u00e1vo to poveda\u0165\u201c.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Pod\u013ea prepisu stretnutia zverejnen\u00e9ho na ofici\u00e1lnej webovej str\u00e1nke rusk\u00e9ho prezidenta, Putin povedal Vu\u010di\u010dovi, \u017ee \u201ena tom sa dohodne; d\u00e1me pokyn na\u0161im pr\u00edslu\u0161n\u00fdm spolo\u010dnostiam, aby dokon\u010dili t\u00fato pr\u00e1cu; v ka\u017edom pr\u00edpade n\u00e1jdeme rie\u0161enie, ktor\u00e9 bude nepochybne prijate\u013en\u00e9 pre na\u0161ich srbsk\u00fdch priate\u013eov.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Putin tie\u017e povedal: \u201eO\u010dak\u00e1vame, \u017ee premi\u00e9rka Srbska [Ana Brnabic] nav\u0161t\u00edvi Moskvu v decembri. Vu\u010di\u010d ozn\u00e1mil, \u017ee Putin pr\u00edde do Srbska \u201emedzi m\u00e1jom a septembrom bud\u00faceho roka\u201c.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Vz\u0165ahy medzi Moskvou a Belehradom s\u00fa v s\u00fa\u010dasnosti naozaj na najvy\u0161\u0161ej \u00farovni, zd\u00f4raznil aj srbsk\u00fd l\u00edder. Realiz\u00e1cia mno\u017estva rozsiahlych projektov by pod\u013ea odborn\u00edkov mohla by\u0165 prospe\u0161n\u00e1 pre obe krajiny.<\/p>\n\n\n\n